
Sunny Kumar

Mattermost is an open-source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle. It is an open-source workplace messaging system for web, PCs, and phones which provides archiving, search, and integration with hundreds of line-of-business applications. It provides enterprises with secure team communication and collaboration by utilizing custom workflows, centralizing communication, and providing enterprise-grade security. Its private, hybrid and public cloud solutions offer secure, configurable, highly scalable messaging across web, mobile, and PC with archiving, search, and deep integration across in-house systems.

 Founded in 2016, The platform powers over 800,000+ workspaces worldwide with the support of over 4,000+ contributors from across the developer community. The company serves over 800+ customers, including European Parliament, NASA, Nasdaq, Samsung, SAP, United States Air Force and Wealthfront, and is backed by world-class investors including Battery Ventures, Redpoint, S28 Capital, YC Continuity and Converge.

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