June 15, 2023

ChatGPT 4: The Potential Game-changer in Marketing

ChatGPT 4: The Potential Game-changer in Marketing

Speakers Introduction

Jack Khrapkov: Founder of Martekings. Jack became a good Marketing professional and grew together with Welovenocode during 2020. He has strong Analytical thinking and his main competencies are Marketing Research & Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, and Inbound Lead-Generation.

Nisa Meray: Junior Social Media Manager at Spiky.ai. She is experienced in developing and implementing digital marketing strategies, managing social media channels, and engaging with audiences. Passionate about exploring the intersection between media and communication.

İrem Çetin: Innovation Consultant | UX Expert at GOOINN. She bring a unique and innovative approach to work that is inspired by the philosophy. She is always eager and curious to explore new ideas and ways of thinking, and I love collaborating with clients who share this mindset.

Q&A Session

Q1. How can companies use ChatGPT for content marketing, and what are the pitfalls and limitations of using ChatGPT?

The world has changed significantly in marketing processes, with the chatGPT and artificial intelligence revolutionizing the industry. ChatGPT allows for the creation of optimized content with unique angles and logic, making it faster and more efficient. This technology can be used for Twitter marketing, automating tasks like responding to purple threads. However, there are limitations, such as the inability to generate pictures and media, but there are potential mid-term tools to automate the content process.

The speaker discusses their experience using ChatGPT for content creation, highlighting its speed and changeability. They also mention limitations in content topics, as ChatGPT can only generate content for specific industries. They also mention the challenges of generating content for different audiences and the need for proper language and tone. They also emphasize the importance of verifying information to provide authentic content.

The speakers discusses the benefits of using Google Translate (GPT) for content marketing, stating that it can help with tasks like writing captions, generating ideas, creating a content calendar, and suggesting new hashtags. However, it also acknowledges its limitations, such as not fully understanding context or intents, which can lead to incorrect or unrelated responses. It is essential to review and double-check generated content to ensure accuracy and relevance. GPT4 is excellent for handling routine tasks but may still require human intervention for more complex or sensitive issues.

Striking the right balance between automation and human touch is crucial in using GPT. It requires a little personalization and can be used for social media and email marketing. However, it can hallucinate if not given proper permission. GPT4 is effective in personalization and can generate links and characters that may not be relevant for your tweet. It can also generate live content, allowing you to create similar tweets if it can scrape it. The plugin has improved in terms of social media content, but it still needs improvement. Email marketing and social media are essential for effective communication.

Q2. What are some AI marketing tools that you are currently using to assist with your day-to-day marketing strategy?  How does ChatGPT compare to other AI marketing tools?

AI marketing tools are essential for supporting daily marketing strategies, such as grammarly and super line sift. New tools are released frequently, such as Productions, which save time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and data grammar. This allows marketers to focus on other aspects. They use tools like Journey and visual generating tools to create great visuals, which can help increase sales and content. The image and video side is also growing, with the potential for a single product with both images and videos simultaneously. The company is constantly testing and integrating new tools into their workflow, writing guides, and putting all the best ones on a single page.

In the mid-journey, the company is exploring video creation for product launches, such as AI-based video players and Synthesia. These tools save time and allow visitors to check out products. Lumen 5 is a video generation tool that can be used to create a speaking head in just 19 days, with various footages and frames related to the topic. While there are no tools for generating deletes, Lumen 5 is a great example for beginners, as it allows them to create videos easily. The company is still exploring other tools and is working on developing more innovative solutions.

Q3. What are the most effective use cases for leveraging ChatGPT in marketing campaigns?

The company is paying for email marketing, which is not as effective as social media but still used for creating great content with introductions and call-to-actions. By getting to know customers and followers, the company can create more suitable content based on results and feedback. ChatGPT can be used to improve content tone and email length. The company is also integrating ChatGPT for onboarding processes for new prospects, which currently requires manual processing and collecting business information. The integration of ChatGPT allows for an intuitive questionnaire that extracts data for creating proposals, making it more efficient and effective than traditional methods.

The AI will be used to help businesses grow by detecting hypertension and providing automated proposals. The integration with GPT4 is still in progress, but it is expected to increase conversion rates and make salespeople more free. The platform will also be used for content creation, customer data analysis, and music. The AI will also be used for script writing and storytelling, which can be useful for ads and advertising products and services. The integration will be integrated with existing platforms, allowing for better integration and marketing funnels.

Q4. What advice would you give to other marketers who are considering using ChatGPT?

For marketers working in complex marketing, it is essential to develop planning and create unique prompts to create better copy and content in less time and with less input. Formulas can help create long prompts with formulas, allowing marketers to target different industries and create unique content. Every marketer is unique, and the problems they face should be unique. This prevents marketing from being similar to GPT plugins, leading to competition and a lack of competition. Focusing on unique approaches and focusing on unique content can help marketers avoid a world where every second Twitter post is similar.

 The marketing landscape is evolving rapidly, with AI breaking through and potentially conquering the entire market. However, this would require a unique and creative approach. A tool for creating interesting content is needed, and it is not a magical solution. To become mainstream, it is crucial to define goals and expectations, and plan to measure success. Ultimately, AI will not replace people, but rather serve as a tool for creating interesting content.

Q5. What will today's business players miss out on if they fail to adapt to the rapid changes brought by AI? Active AI involving within your company in the next 3 to 5 years?

Businesses that adopt AI will gain a competitive edge by automating tasks, saving money, and accelerating innovation. By embracing AI, companies can provide better customer experiences, personalized solutions, and stay updated on market innovations. AI-powered chatbots and analytics enable companies to understand customers and provide customized solutions. Companies that do not integrate AI into their workflow will miss out on speed, customer value, and revenue growth. In the next five to five years, businesses that do not adapt will face competition from competitors who use AI to make processes faster and provide better value to customers.

The scariest aspect of AI is potential loss of revenue and business. It is crucial to adapt to your team and utilize AI effectively. AI can be used in various ways, such as supply chain, product development, sales campaigns, and more. By understanding its usage and its potential, businesses can grow in various ways, staying competitive in the global market.

Q6. In the next six months, what changes do you anticipate ChatGPT that will bring in terms of ad customization, ad dynamism, target achievement, and conversational marketing?

ChatGPT may increase competition in the advertising space by improving targeting, making campaigns more efficient, and fostering machine learning. AI tools like GPT may drive up keyword prices, making it more challenging for smaller advertisers. Google and Facebook are introducing ad copy technology news APIs, making tools like these irrelevant in the coming updates. Additionally, ChatGPT may introduce plugins, which could further impact the market in the next six months.

Artificial intelligence can improve targeting by analyzing and forecasting behavior, making companies like Facebook and Google even richer. By targeting the perfect people and capturing them before they leave, businesses can increase their value and reach a wider audience. However, concerns about data privacy and privacy remain. AI may help improve targeting, but it's unclear whether other tools, such as charity, will work alongside ChatGPT to enhance its capabilities.

Q7. What are your thoughts on Privacy with ChatGPT?

The main concern about using AI tools is the cost and potential misuse of data. Many people choose not to write data on Chevity due to concerns about privacy. Jack Missouri has not mentioned any concerns about privacy, but private GPTs offer an alternative to storing data in execution environments. Privacy is a big issue, and it is not regulated at the moment. While private GPTs may become more mainstream, privacy remains a concern.

Privacy concerns are becoming a significant concern in the development of AI and the bureaucracy. Smartphones can run models with users' private data, requiring privacy charges. However, this can also affect the development of AI and GPT, potentially limiting their control and impacting marketers. Privacy may be restricted in some countries, potentially causing workload changes and challenges in the future. The focus should be on ensuring that users' data remains secure and not shared with others. 

Q8. What is your opinion on AI regulation and its potential impact on the marketing industry?

The development of AI technology is expected to start from countries in Europe or the United States, with the president overseeing its development. Once a single country restricts a tool or website, everyone has a VPN, making it easier for marketers to use. However, if AI becomes global, the algorithm of charge for GPT can be changed, as AI is already managing limitations. AI will provide opportunities and helpers, but it will also become more limited, similar to the internet. As time goes on, AI will be restricted in some cases, potentially to unlimited music and audience access.

The regulations surrounding AI usage and their relevance to various industries will depend on the country, region, and websites. Marketers must stay updated on these changes and compile relevant laws and guidelines to navigate the evolving situation effectively. The Journey and learning about image creation are currently being used for social media posts, videos, and presentations. One interesting use case for the Journey is creating stock photos for social media posts. The company has developed a unique prompt identity for businesses, which consists of around 200 words. This allows for the generation of pictures with similar styles and brand styles, allowing marketers to adapt the prompt to their specific topics.

The company is currently using Synthesia and Lumen for content marketing, but the mid-journey is breaking the market and affecting the design industry. The mid-journey is taking over, with new professions like prompt identity engineers emerging. The company is considering hosting another workshop in two or three months to discuss different solutions and address the rapidly changing landscape of content marketing.


The speaker hopes to have another workshop at the end of the year to discuss the future of the world and also wants to discuss AI and its potential to improve marketing and communication. The speaker encourages attendees to connect on social media and discuss about ChatGPT and AI in their personal lives. The workshop will feature other verticals that can be effective or enhanced, and the speaker will keep the audience updated on the launch of an AI tool. The speaker also encourages attendees to use the AI tool for personal use.